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Vista Codec Package 4.6.1 Final


GF Ouro
Set 25, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Com o Vista Codec Package instalado, não precisa de instalar qualquer outro codec ou filtro. Grande parte das funções implementadas tiveram origem nas sugestões de diversos utilizadores.

O Vista Codec Package não associa os formatos de ficheiros e não inclui qualquer leitor multimédia, no entanto, o autor recomenda que instale o Media Player Classic. Com este conjunto de codecs instalado será capaz de utilizar qualquer leitor multimédia para reproduzir DVD’s, ver filmes e clips de vídeo em formatos como quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc.

Esta compilação extrai o melhor de todos os criadores de codecs e compila-o numa só instalação. Foram pensados todos os possíveis conflitos e por norma, não precisará de fazer qualquer ajuste para que possa começar a reproduzir os seus ficheiros imediatamente. Para além do Windows Vista, o Windows XP é totalmente suportado por esta compilação.

Alterações para esta versão:

* Reparado bug que provocava um crach quando apresentava as miniaturas
* Permite desligar a visualização de miniaturas
* Actualização do codec ffdshow para a revisão 1890
* Actualização do codec DirectVobSub versão 2.3.8 revisão 42
* Recolocado o ficheiro VSFilter para a pasta system32
* Actualização de outras opções




In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 4.7.1

With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter.
Vista Codec Package does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips such as quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc. Streaming video is supported in most web browsers. By default you shouldn't need to make any adjustments to enjoy your media content immediately.
Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable and after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and perform upgrade installations.

Official site

Size: 15.5 MB
Download Vista Codec Package 4.7.1
Download Vista Codec Package x64 Components 1.5.0


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 4.7.2

With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter.
Vista Codec Package does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips such as quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc. Streaming video is supported in most web browsers. By default you shouldn't need to make any adjustments to enjoy your media content immediately.
Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable and after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and perform upgrade installations.

Official site
Size: 15.4 MB

Download Vista Codec Package 4.7.2
Download Vista Codec Package x64 Components 1.5.1


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 4.7.3

With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter.
Vista Codec Package does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips such as quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc. Streaming video is supported in most web browsers. By default you shouldn't need to make any adjustments to enjoy your media content immediately.
Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable and after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and perform upgrade installations.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 4.7.3 - 15.3 MB

Download: Vista Codec Package x64 Components 1.5.2 - 5.8 MB


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.0.5



With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the Developer homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter.
Vista Codec Package does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips such as quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc. Streaming video is supported in most web browsers. By default you shouldn't need to make any adjustments to enjoy your media content immediately.
Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable and after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and perform upgrade installations.

Developer homepage
Size: 18.9 MB

Download Vista Codec Package 5.0.5

Download Vista Codec Package x64 Components 1.5.7


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.0.6



With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the Developer homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter.
Vista Codec Package does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips such as quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc. Streaming video is supported in most web browsers. By default you shouldn't need to make any adjustments to enjoy your media content immediately.
Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable and after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and perform upgrade installations.

Developer homepage
Size: 18.9 MB

Download Vista Codec Package 5.0.6

Download Vista Codec Package x64 Components 1.5.9


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.1.1



With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the Developer homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter.
Vista Codec Package does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips such as quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc. Streaming video is supported in most web browsers. By default you shouldn't need to make any adjustments to enjoy your media content immediately.
Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable and after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and perform upgrade installations.
Developer homepage
Size: 17.2 MB

Download Vista Codec Package 5.1.1

Download Vista Codec Package x64 Components 1.6.7


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.1.3



With Vista Codec Package installed, you won’t need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD’s, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the Developer homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista’s MediaCenter.Vista Codec Package does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited by the players capabilities) to play DVD’s, movies and video clips such as quicktime, realmedia, avi, mpeg, Flv, swf, wmv, etc. Streaming video is supported in most web browsers. By default you shouldn’t need to make any adjustments to enjoy your media content immediately.
Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable and after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and perform upgrade installations.

Developer homepage
Size: 18.5 MB

Download Vista Codec Package 5.1.3

Download Vista Codec Package x64 Components 1.6.9


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.2.7


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.2.7 (17.2 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.3.3


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.3.3 (17.2 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.3.6


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.3.6 (17.9 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.3.9


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.3.9 (17.9 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.4.0


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.4.0 (19.7 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.4.2


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.4.2 (19.7 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.4.3


Vista Codec Package 5.4.3 | 20.32MB

All the codecs you need for Vista to play AVIs, DVDs and more!
It does not contain a media player and it doesn't associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player, limited only by the players' capabilities, to play DVD's, movies and video clips of almost any filetype. Streaming video is supported in all popular web browsers. By default you won't need to make any adjustments to enjoy a variety of media content immediately. Users have the ability to choose what is installed using the public redistributable or after an unattended install, you can select to remove specific portions without removing the entire package. Future releases will recognize previous releases and are capable of performing upgrade installations.
The Vista Codec Package is also compatible with all versions of Windows XP.



In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.4.5


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.4.5 (19.7 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.4.6


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.4.6 (19.7 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.4.7


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.4.7 (19.7 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.4.8


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.4.8 (19.7 MB)


In Memoriam
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Vista Codec Package 5.5.0


With Vista Codec Package installed, you won't need to install any other codec or filter. Many user suggested default settings are implemented. It does not contain a media player. It does not associates filetypes. With this package installed you will be able to use any media player (limited only by the players capabilities) to play DVD's, movies and video clips of any format. Streaming video (real and quicktime) is supported in web browsers. Visit the homepage to get a 64bitAddon which enables xvid, divx and DVD playback in Vista's MediaCenter. Licence: Freeware.

Official site

Download: Vista Codec Package 5.5.0 (19.7 MB)