Notícias Sex confessions of Premier League icons – from strip club obsessive to bedroom tackler


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Sex confessions of Premier League icons – from strip club obsessive to bedroom tackler


They are known for their exceptional delivery and expertise on the football pitch, but many past and present Premier League players often have energy to burn in the bedroom

Premier League football is demanding, exhausting and often difficult - no wonder so many players cannot wait to get back to their bedroom.

While the football world loves reminiscing about some of the beautiful game's greats on the pitch, other players are better remembered for their activities behind closed doors. Most of the time, they are confined to their private residences or hotel rooms.

However, other players also get bored at home and take themselves to the bars, restaurants and, at times, strip clubs of the city they are residing in. Because it's Christmas, Daily Star Sport looks back on some of the huge sexual confessions of many former Premier League icons.

Everton thought they had signed one of Europe's best young players - instead, they had bought Andy van der Meyde, who became known as 'Shandy Andy' amongst the Toffees' faithful. The Dutchman could not resist a trip to the strip clubs in Liverpool and was even caught by a private investigator his wife at the time hired.

In his book, he admitted: "I had a strong longing for naked women. I saw a brunette and I wanted to have sex with her. Getting drunk in a strip club in the middle of Liverpool was not very smart. But after I’d had sex with Lisa once I was addicted, she was wild, crazy and horny.”

When a drug test carried out by Chelsea found there were traces of cocaine in his body, Mutu went public and tried to clarify where those results would have came from. After strongly denying taking cocaine, he said: "I am not hooked on drugs. I categorically deny this.

"The only reason I took what I took was because I wanted to improve my sexual performance. It may be funny but it is true. I did not take cocaine. I took something to make me feel good."

Pennant was a classic 'bad-boy' of football who went from playing in the Champions League final to bickering with housemates on Big Brother. But before any of that, he claims he was enjoying plenty of threesomes with former Arsenal team-mate Ashley Cole.

In his book, he said: "The number of times Ashley Cole and I had threesomes! He lived in Canary Wharf and I forget the girl’s name now, but we brought her back and she was just up for it. We were high-fiving each other over her back. We had a little tea break and then went at it again."

Speaking of the devil, some of Cole's bedroom preferences were one delved into by his former wife Cheryl. The ex-Girls Aloud star once divulged what they used to get up to in the bedroom during a 2008 interview with the Mirror.

She said: “We tackle each other in the bedroom and he loves me massaging his feet. I think more men prefer to hear little breaths rather than big loud screams. Otherwise you sound like a porn film.”

Injuries played a painful role in shortening Micah Richards' extremely promising career. His misfortune with injuries were perfectly summed up when he once injured himself while having sex.

In a previous podcast appearance, he said: "Obviously you can't go into detail, but basically, yes, I was having fun. As I was having fun, I slipped off the bed and stretched my leg and did my hamstring. It had been totally fine in training, so when I go back to training and the physios ask me what I've done, I just said: 'I've just got some pain down my back, I felt it in the game but I didn't really want to say nothing'.

On the pitch, Danny Drinkwater's stint at Chelsea was a complete disaster. However, he did manage to enjoy a lot of success when it came to being a wealthy, single man in the heart of London.

In a fascinating interview with the High Performance Podcats, he said: "I was a single lad in London at the time so I was, without giving too much detail away, I was being a single lad in London, getting stuck into living in the city." He then added: "You look back now and I'd be going out drinking, getting with any bird that I can. It was just mad."

Crespo scored more than 200 goals in his career, but he was also prolific with the ladies. So much so that he admitted to having regular orgies with "always more women" than man. He said to Esporte: “When I was young I had orgies with many women. I was single, I was a rich and famous footballer until I was 27. I think it was normal, it's not something I'm proud of, it's just been a life experience."

However, he brought it all to an end when he met his wife, Alessia Rossi Andra when he was 27 years old. He said: "The truth is that when I first met my wife, I stopped. Today I do not miss it and I'm happy to what I have and my family."

Balotelli's answer in this column is different is that he is confessing to not having sex rather than having sex. His admission came after reports in the Italian press claimed his goals had dried up due to his joy of having sex a matter of hours before matches. However, while he was swiftly denying the pre-match bonking sessions he was accused of, he ended up giving a hint of how he is when he is done in the bedroom.

He said: "The truth is that when I first met my wife, I stopped. Today I do not miss it and I'm happy to what I have and my family." He said: "Trust me, if I am having sex for hours before a game, I am not able to play. I don't think anyone could. It makes me laugh, but this is not me."

Daily Star Sunday