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ServerTalk - Win XP/2Kx - Internet - Freeware


GF Ouro
Set 25, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
ServerTalk - Win XP/2Kx - Internet - Freeware
Company/Author: DesertHail

Download file size: 148 K

Program Homepage/Download url

ServerTalk is an application that allows you to communicate directly with an open TCP or UDP port on a machine. It is similar to a graphical Telnet client, but lets you pick the port, and lets you use TCP or UDP. This can be very useful for low-level troubleshooting of server issues when using any of the clear-text based protocols such as FTP, Telnet, HTTP, etc. Also a great learning tool.

ServerTalk is Freeware. It contains absolutely no adware, spyware, virii, or trojans.

It is packaged as an MSI (Microsoft Installer) for easy installation and un-installation.