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Recrutamento Siemens para Pessoas com Deficiência


GForum VIP
Dez 30, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Recrutamento Siemens para Pessoas com Deficiência


A Associação Salvador, no âmbito na iniciativa " Apoio ao Emprego ", tem vindo a estabelecer parcerias com empresas para promover a integração profissional de pessoas com deficiência.

Segue neste e-mail informação sobre o recrutamento na Siemens destinado a pessoas com deficiência. A informação é enviada em inglês por este ser um requisito importante na selecção dos colaboradores da empresa.

Associação Salvador

“Sustainability” these days is a buzzword used in many different contexts with many different connotations. At Siemens, we don’t just talk about sustainability. We’ve made the three areas of sustainable development – environment, business and society - the cornerstone of all our activities.

In the area of Environment, we’re providing innovative products and solutions to improve both our own eco-balance and those of our customers and suppliers.

In the area of Business, we’re focusing on long-term value creation. Profitable long-term growth is our aim, and responsible value creation is paving the way for our success.

And in the area of Society, we’re fostering our own employees and striving to be good citizens in all the communities in which we are active.

We are bound by local statutory labor and social regulations in all of the countries in which we do business and we align our policies with key international standards.
Occupational Health and Safety are central to our corporate culture. They demonstrate our responsibility for our employees and are fundamental to our success as a company, as safe and healthy work conditions have a strong motivating effect.
Our Education and Training programs for employees continue to play a crucial part in protecting Siemens’ future.
As an attractive employer, we place great importance on our employees Work-Life Balance – responding flexibly to the different life phases and the multi-faceted needs of individual employees.
Diversity is also present. The company is in daily contact with customers in all parts of the world, serving them from a global employee base. Being able to attract and retain high-caliber talent globally and having systems in place with which to build superior international teams are already among our great strengths.

In accordance with this, Siemens will have a pro-active approach to promote the employment of people with disabilities and support them to perform their work and to develop their potential.

If you are looking for a job, take a look at our website - Jobs&Career – and apply to those that fit your profile.

In order to better accommodate you, on the field “Carta de Apresentação”, please let us know:
- What type of deficiency do you have (hearing, language, mental, motor, visual, mutli-deficiency, if other spedify)
- Your grade of incapacity
- If you use a wheelchair

Mafalda Melo
Siemens, SA

Em parceria com

Fonte: Associação Salvador