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Psychic who predicted Covid forecasts rise in ‘cults’ to 'near miss asteroid' in 2022


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Psychic who predicted Covid forecasts rise in ‘cults’ to 'near miss asteroid' in 2022


Psychic Nicolas Aujula, 36, who made sensational predictions for 2021 has now given 2022 forecasts with China set to dominate our language, assassination of a US figure and future terror attack

A psychic who forecast the Covid pandemic and Meghan Markle's sensational interview with Oprah Winfrey has revealed his explosive predictions for 2022, including the rise in China's worldwide dominance.

Nicolas Aujula, from south London, managed to correctly foresee events such as the Black Lives Matter movement and the shocking murder of a young woman, revealed later to be killing of Sarah Everard.

The 36-year-old, who claims he has “many past lives”, sees his predictions in visions and describes them as moving scenes on a giant imaginary TV screen.

Nicolas has eased fears that the world will end and hails military intervention for avoiding a catastrophe with an asteroid.

He said: "In 2022, I do see an asteroid that is heading for earth, but it is diverted and catastrophe is averted, as the military fire a missile to change its trajectory and the earth survives to see in another year."

However, he has some concerns about 2022 with has predicted a resurgence of sinister religious-style cults across the world.

Nicolas believes that these cults will prey on people and draw them into a false sense of security and hope after the pandemic.

Nicolas also warns of another mass shooting that will leave Americans traumatised and a public figure in the US will be assassinated.

His forecasts also show another global health issue with swine flu set to impact the world but could not predict an exact timescale.

Next year will see the rise of China as it looks set on becoming a dominant superpower in the world during the decade, according to Nicolas.

He predicts that Chinese words and phrases will eventually become part of our everyday speech with the rise of films from the Communist country.

They will also compete with Russia to dominate the space race, speeding ahead of Elon Musk’s SpaceX and Jeff Bezos' Blue Origin.

He said: "China and Russia will become locked into a race to become the dominant superpower in space."

His other predictions include a serious fire on Liverpool Docks, a chicken soup recall and a fatal oil spill on a motorway in the UK.

Digitally masterminded cyber-attacks by one nation on another will become more common in the future, Nicolas claims, and will end up causing nationwide blackouts and internet outages.In the world of celebrities, Nicolas predicts a sad event for superstar singer Madonna with her “going to a funeral” and actor Will Smith will face an ending that "will cause heartache for him."

He bizarrely saw the vision of 1990s band Steps seeing huge revival in their popularity.

In politics, Nicolas believes Keir Starmer’s leadership will end with a woman emerging to take over.

He said: “This woman will have a strong masculine mind-set, like Margaret Thatcher had.”

Poland will also follow Britain’s footsteps in wanting to leave the EU and it will happen.

A woman called “Jackie” is also going to be plucked from obscurity to become an overnight sensation.

Daily Star Sunday