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"Nemesis Patch 2.3 SVN090 DM800se Sim2.10 - By vyper and langioletto"


GF Ouro
Ago 28, 2007
Gostos Recebidos


Hello, here is the "Nemesis Patch 2.3 SVN090 DM800se Sim2.10 - By vyper and langioletto"

The image works on clones to 100%

No need to send the SS82 after flashing, is already included.

The source image is the SVN085 to SVN090 no source image SVN087 "already updated" to SVN090

Version of the 2011/08/08:

The following functions have been patched, which gave the green screen:

management Wirelesslan
management SoftwareManager
the Webinterface
Timeshift (Pause)
Playback recordings, and all supported file types.

Fixed bug time "my edit"

The image contains:

Picon 13E updated to "Hot Bird" and "DTT Italy"
Another addition "Army Gradient" to the default skins, you can enable the Menu> Configuration> System> Skins
Additional functions for the management directly from the EPG channel list, accessible via the keys 1 to 2 - 3 - 4

I added:
Cdplayer for CD playback
DVDPlayer for DVD playback

dFlash, is a software that is used to create the backup can be found at the website of DreamBox:

To make a backup of course need a harddisk installed.

Were not included in any URL to download additional "extra" keys to encode it.
It contains no additional plug-in and no filling.

The dm800se is really a bomb. is perfect.

If there is any problem, write it, thanks.

Change log SVN088/089/090:

===== Date: 28-07-2011, SVN 090 =====

*********** PUBLIC RELEASE ****************

Attention dm8000 users can perform update only if you have 078,
if your version <078 need reflashing with 085
Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info

* Update Enigma2-Plugins (Fix mytube player)

===== Date: 28-07-2011, SVN 089 =====

* Add initramfs kernel 1.0 "not work on clone, this is only kernel boot" I have replaced, and now on the clone works 100%
Thanks @adenin for the kernel
Thanks @gutemine for the patch
Thanks @bluebyte for this request
* Update gst-plugins-bad
* Update pcsc-lite to 1.7.4
* Update ccid to 1.4.4
* Small bug fix
* Add crossEPG setup panel on EPG Control Center
* Update Enigma2
* Update Enigma2-Plugins

===== Date: 20-07-2011, SVN 088 =====

* Add full support for all Unicable Inverto Products (update unicable.xml)
* Improuve Nemesis Info
* Fix Addons support
* Small skin changes
* Update Enigma2
* Update Enigma2-Plugins


Download HERE "Nemesis 2.3 SVN090 DM800se Patch Sim2.10 2011/08/08"



GF Ouro
Ago 28, 2007
Gostos Recebidos


Hello, here is the "Nemesis Patch 2.3 SVN090 DM800se Sim2.10 - By vyper and langioletto"

The image works on clones to 100%

From now contains the new drivers of 05/06/2011 so there is no need to apply any kind of patch!

Fantastic now emigma2 of 2011-07-06 is supported

Timeshift (Pause)
Playback recordings, and all supported file types.

works to 100% thanks to new drivers with the original files "not patched"

No need to send the SS82 after flashing, is already included.

Version of the 2011/08/16:

The source image is the SVN085 to SVN090 no source image SVN087 "already updated" to SVN090

The only Webinterface have been patched
and Fixed bug time "my edit"

The image contains:

Picon 13E updated to "Hot Bird" and "DTT Italy"
Another addition "Army Gradient" to the default skins, you can enable the Menu> Configuration> System> Skins
Additional functions for the management directly from the EPG channel list, accessible via the keys 1 to 2 - 3 - 4

I added:
Cdplayer for CD playback
DVDPlayer for DVD playback

dFlash, is a software that is used to create the backup can be found at the website of DreamBox:

To make a backup of course need a harddisk installed.

Were not included in any URL to download additional "extra" keys to encode it.
It contains no additional plug-in and no filling.

The dm800se is really a bomb. is perfect.

If there is any problem, write it, thanks.

Change log SVN088/089/090:

===== Date: 08-08-2011, SVN 090 =====

*********** PUBLIC RELEASE ****************

Attention dm8000 users can perform update only if you have 078,
if your version <078 need reflashing with 085
Attention if your version is < 072 please refer SVN 072 section for upgrading info
if your version is 072, 073 or 074 please refer SVN 075 section for upgrading info

* Update Enigma2-Plugins (Fix mytube player)

===== Date: 28-07-2011, SVN 089 =====

* Add initramfs kernel 1.0 "not work on clone, this is only kernel boot" I have replaced, and now on the clone works 100%
Thanks @adenin for the kernel
Thanks @gutemine for the patch
Thanks @bluebyte for this request
* Update gst-plugins-bad
* Update pcsc-lite to 1.7.4
* Update ccid to 1.4.4
* Small bug fix
* Add crossEPG setup panel on EPG Control Center
* Update Enigma2
* Update Enigma2-Plugins

===== Date: 20-07-2011, SVN 088 =====

* Add full support for all Unicable Inverto Products (update unicable.xml)
* Improuve Nemesis Info
* Fix Addons support
* Small skin changes
* Update Enigma2
* Update Enigma2-Plugins


Download HERE "Nemesis 2.3 SVN090 DM800se Patch Sim2.10 2011/08/16"