Portal Chamar Táxi

Fausto Version 1.30


GForum VIP
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
(C)MASARE Team-Saoud007
(C)FullDump TM


Installation: not needed to uninstall previous version, just run Fausto V1.XX setup.exe

Fausto Emulator compatibilities:
*XML file to be compatible with Fausto Emulator MUST include cryptoworks Cardkey (06)
This keys used in internal by diablo cam emu
If the CardKey (06) not include you'll can't decode cryptoworks with Fausto Emulator
CardKey (06) added on Keys.bin has no effect under diablo cam emulator
*Include Betacrypt Tuneled Nagra 2 Providers
*Include TPS Files (actually TPS.BIN)

Version 1.30 (01/09/2008)
Possible to enable/disable Emulator, Card Support or Card client by
using popup menu under MONITOR (Mouse right clic)
Under Same menu possible to set priorty
Emulator settings saved/loaded on/from file \Fausto\EMU\FESettings.ini
added files: SecaProviders.ini & ViaccessProviders.ini
On it, provid used by season emulation concerned
Has been added for SECA Cam (like aston) or Viaccess cam & Card sharing
Please before use it, Open files & read infos in
Added "Datas bauds" in general same as ATR bauds except for somes emulation
(prepared for future addons)
*Card Client:
Added somes fixes for CS & season interface
(card tested other the net: Betacrypt/irdeto/Viaccess/Seca/cryptoworks/conax/VG)
Added new data "Server Description" under tab Settings
Added Tab servers: grid list
All servers stored under file clientbase.ini (folder Fausto\Emu\CardClient)
will appear on grid
To increase or decrease number of servers in use just modify value of
record Number in file clientbase.ini
Go under Tab CardClient, on Server grid select server wanted & change datas under tab settings
*Added CARD CLIENT traffic log (mouse right clic)
-Log card client traffic (enabled if ticked):
Store card informations & ONLY Caid/provid/ecms/cws decoded by Newcamd Server
-Save Log file (default file name is Fausto_Card_Client_Log.txt)
-Clear datas logged in memory

*Fausto & Season Bauds Settings.txt updated with XCam & Dreambox Settings (Angel chip)
*Language files: New datas added ready for translation