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Bandas de NWOBHM e sua história


GF Ouro
Jun 2, 2010
Gostos Recebidos
Ora bem dou inicio e um tópico que nos leva muito tempo atrás recordando então esta fabulosas bandas que originou psarte do som mais pesado que hoje se encontra nos vários estilos metal
Breve o retocarei com mais precisão para já deixo-vos algumas dessas bandas
New Wave of British Heavy Metal Top

* A II Z
* Angel Witch
* Blitzkrieg
* Bronz
* Budgie
* Cloven Hoof
* Def Leppard
* Demon
* Diamond Head
* Dumpy's Rusty Nuts
* E.F. Band
* Elixir
* Ethel the Frog
* Girl
* Girlschool
* Grim Reaper
* HellsBelles
* Hollow Ground
* Holocaust
* Iron Maiden
* Jaguar
* Legend
* Lionheart
* More
* Motörhead
* No Quarter
* Pagan Altar
* Persian Risk
* Praying Mantis
* Quartz
* Raven
* Rock Goddess
* Samson
* Saxon
* Starfighters
* Sweet Savage
* Tank
* Tokyo Blade
* Tygers Of Pan Tang
* Urchin
* Vardis
* Venom
* White Spirit
* Witchfinder General
* Witchfynde
* Xero

Bitches Sin
Flash Point (banda pós Bitches Sin)
Savage (o album Loose'n'Lethal é muito bom. Os Metallica deixaram a musica Let It Loose de fora da versão final do Garage Days Re-Revisited...)
Blade Runner
Avenger (quase thrash)
Atomkraft (quase thrash)
China Town
Black Rose
Dark Star
Crucifixion (algo assim como uma das minha favoritas )
Heavy Pettin (os verdadeiros rivais dos Def Leppard)
Le Griffe
Mendes Prey
Fist (pré Satan e com o guitar de Angel Witch que saiu quando começaram a gravar o album. Foi só para dar nome)
Satan (todos sabemos do resto da história... Satan + Sabbat = Skyclad)
Speed (Bruce Dickinson deu a voz ao único single deles, apesar de não fazer bem parte da banda)
Tysondog (outra das minhas preferidas)
Warfare (brutal, produzido pelo bateras de Motorhead, talvez a banda mais brutal da NWOBHM)
Terraplane (banda pré Thunder)

Segundo algumas contages, perto de 600 bandas foram incluidas no movimento, e dessas, apenas metade, ou menos chegaram a gravar. E a maior parte delas gravou apenas uma musica para uma qualquer colectânea, ou somente um single.

Havia algumas bandas que não sendo Britanicas, foram incluidas/associadas à NWOBHM, o exemplo maior foram os EF Band (com o guitarrista do King Diamond Andy La Roque) que sendo suecos, e porque participaram na colectanea Metal For Muthas foram incluidos no movimento, tendo posteriormente mudado para Inglaterra. Também incluiam os Baron Rojo, devido a terem feito muitas digressões em Inglaterra, e terem gravado o Volumen Brutal em inglês. Os Anvil também foram metidos no meio, porque eles diziam que eram uma banda mais europeia do que americana.
Mais algumas ,até pode estar o nome em duplicado ,sendo um apanhado duma série de sites
* Angel Witch
* Blitzkrieg
* Cloven Hoof
* Def Leppard
* Demon
* Diamond Head
* E.F. Band
* Girl
* Girlschool
* Grim Reaper
* Holocaust
* Iron Maiden
* Jaguar
* Motörhead
* Pagan Altar
* Quartz
* Raven
* Samson
* Saxon
* Tank
* Tokyo Blade
* Tygers Of Pan Tang
* Urchin
* Vardis
* Venom
* White Spirit
* Witchfinder General
* Witchfynde
* Xero

(BUDGIE nao é NWOBHM! Colaram-se a ela...)

Bitches Sin
Dark Star
Le Griffe

e mais ainda...Tyrant, Shiva, Arc, Virtue, Buffalo, Restless Breed, Metal Mirror, Sledgehammer, Lightning Raiders (meio punk), Chainsaw (meio punk), Twisted Ace, Sabre, Wratchild (glam), etc.

Algumas regras NWOBHM hehehehe

1. The more obscure the better
2. Hearing Metallica's cover of "Am I Evil?" does not make you a NWOBHM fan
3. Without Diamond Head, there would be no Metallica
4. Without NWOBHM, there would be no Thrash
5. Constantly complain that Thrash "killed off" NWOBHM; while secretly liking Thrash
6. When someone asks you what NWOBHM stands for, tell them something like "the best genre of music, ever." Make sure they still don't understand what it means.
7. Iron Maiden after "Killers" is not NWOBHM
8. Complain that Iron Maiden "stole" Bruce Dickinson from Samson, while praising him for his work in IM
9. Dress like you're from the 80s, this includes long unkempt hair, ripped jeans, ripped denim jackets with obscure band patches and an even more obscure band t-shirt
10. Pagan Altar are gods amongst men, this is unarguable
11. Def Leppard really really suck! (Apart from their debut)
12. When forming your own NWOBHM "tribute" band, record your album in the key of A
13. In fact, record your whole career in A
14. Make sure at least one song has the main riff lifted from "2 Minutes to Midnight"
15. Which was CLEARLY a rip-off from "Welcome to Hell" by Venom anyway
16. Ballads must have a clean picked intro, a crushing middle section, followed by a fast outro
17. Only write songs about sex, drugs and rock n roll...
18. And the Devil
19. Never down tune your guitars, ever (unless you're Venom)
20. You're not Venom and never will be
21. Bad production values are a MUST, if it's highly produced, it's not NWOBHM
22. Spend exactly £5.35 on producing your album
23. Did I mention the more obscure, the better?
24. Constantly complain that band X "should've made it big"
25. Complain about bands making it big and going commercial
26. Kevin Heyborne is a living legend, even if he can't keep a stable Angel Witch line-up for more than 5 seconds
28. Track down every demo, EP and single of your favourite NWOBHM band; go as far as contacting a former member and conducting an interview with him.
30. Start up a Neo-NWOBHM band...
31. But realize your only fans will probably be in Germany and/or Sweden...
32. And you can't afford to move there...
33. Nor would you want to because then you wouldn't be NWOBHM
34. Major record companies are evil; they killed off every NWOBHM act
35. Only sign with small independent record companies...
36. Or Neat
37. Brian Ross is your idol
38. Anything past 1986 isn't real metal....
39. Unless it's a NWOBHM reunion
40. Deliberately spell your band name wrong: substitute vowels for consonants (mainly y's) e.g. Tygers of Pan Tang, Tytan, Phyne Thanquz, etc
41. Name your band something completely irrelevant to the subject matter you sing about, e.g. Satan
42. Worship Diamond Head, daily, if necessary
43. Talk to mainstream metal fans about your favorite obscure NWOBHM act and tell them they're better than anyone they say (which is right, right?)
44. NWOBHM is the only genre that bad songwriting is acceptable
45. When recording your "live" album (keep in mind rule 21 and 22), dub in a few of your mates drunkenly shouting after every song has finished
46. Constantly remind people that Garage Inc. is far inferior to the original songs (especially the Diamond Head and Blitzkrieg covers)
47. Release your demo as a sleeveless 7" only make 500 copies; that way it'll be obscure enough to be classified as NWOBHM
48. Go to every NWOBHM reunion concert ever, even if they are held only in Germany and/or Sweden
49. High pitched vocals are a must. This is non-negotiable, unless you're Venom (see rule 20)
50. Keyboards are optional, keyboard solos however, are not
51. Never keep the same line-up for more than one single/demo/EP. Fire someone if you have to...
52. It'll probably be the drummer anyway
53. Motorhead and Judas Priest are not NWOBHM...
54. But they're pretty kickass nonetheless
55. To put your band in good light, tell people you used to perform at the Soundhouse, even if you weren't born in the 60s/70s...
56. They'd probably never find out anyway
57. NEVER under any circumstances give up on your quest for obscurity, no matter how far you dig, there will ALWAYS be a more obscure band out there (see rule 1)
58. Scorn Metallica for stealing Diamond Head's glory...
59. Even though they played together on at least one occasion
60. Lars Ulrich is an ass
61. Barry "Thuderstick" Graham isn't
62. Track down all of Bruce Dickinson's early recordings with Speed, Xero etc...
63. Even though they are pretty average at best
64. In NWOBHM, women are acceptable band members unlike that homo-erotic Thrash malarkey....
65. Keeping in mind rule 12, record a really heavy and fast song in the key of E...
66. Make it a B-side of a lightweight melodic rock song recorded in A...
67. The A-side is intended to get "recognized"
68. Getting recognized and becoming mainstream is not NWOBHM
69. Urchin are not NWOBHM but Dave Murray and Adrian Smith played in them so it's okay
70. There's much more to Holocaust than just "The Small Hours" but their version was better than Metallica's
71. Their version of "Master of Puppets" is also better than Metallica's
72. Bass MUST be audible, but keep in mind rules 21 and 22
73. Twin guitars are a must, this is essential...
74. Unless you're Venom (see rule 20)
75. Record a load of demos, stuff them in a box, break the band up and wait 20 years until "finding" them again, release them as "The Complete Anthology"
76. Instead of recommending the more known NWOBHM bands to interested friends, show them your collection of obscure 7" singles and demo tapes, tell them "you can look but not touch"...
77. No, you haven't listened to them either.
78. The NWOBHM Encyclopaedia by Malc McMillan is your bible...
79. You have it by your bedside table and read it every night
80. Owning a few Iron Maiden albums does not make you NWOBHM...
81. Even if they are self titled and Killers
82. Track down your favorite NWOBHM bands elusive out of print "second album"
83. Realize it's crap, but keep in anyway because you just shelled out 100quid for it on eBay
84. Following rule 83, debut albums are ALWAYS a NWOBHM band's best work, this is unarguable
85. You thought I was going to say "unless you're Venom" didn't you?
86. Venom's debut IS their best work, period
87. And possibly the worst produced album, ever
88. Re-release all your albums "remastered" with all your demos and EPs tacked on the end
89. Your debut album must be raw and frantic; your sophomore album must be either hair metal or AOR
90. Your album and/or single cover must be a black and white sketch done by your mate who does art in college (part time, of course) of either your band, the Grim Reaper, skulls, or some valiant warrior on horseback
91. Don't sing about the Grim Reaper, skulls, or some valiant warrior on horseback
92. Following rules 65 and 66, record a cheesy ballad with synthesizers, make it 9 minutes long and release the lot as an EP
93. Paul DiAnno is still cool even if he was fired from Iron Maiden and done precisely nothing since then
94. To preserve your legacy, DON'T record an album, just singles, demos and EP's, this will ensure your place in the NWOBHM hall of fame...
95. After that see rule 75
96. Record all your material in your front room or garage
97. Paradoxically, foreign members are allowed in NWOBHM bands, hell, even full foreign bands can be classified as NWOBHM as long as they played at least one gig in London during the 80s
98. Progressive elements ARE allowed in NWOBHM, unlike that boring Thrash malarkey...
99. Thrash is actually really really cool, even if it is American
100. Remember kids, the more obscure the band, the better they are!
101. Don't take this list too seriously

alguns singles... e albuns...















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