Portal Chamar Táxi

Fausto Version 1.36 (18/03/2009)


GForum VIP
Set 22, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Fausto Version 1.36 (18/03/2009)

(C)MASARE Team-Saoud007
(C)FullDump TM


Installation: not needed to uninstall previous version, just run Fausto V1.XX setup.exe

Fausto Emulator compatibilities:
*XML file to be compatible with Fausto Emulator MUST include cryptoworks Cardkey (06)
This keys used in internal by diablo cam emu
If the CardKey (06) not include you'll can't decode cryptoworks with Fausto Emulator
CardKey (06) added on Keys.bin has no effect under diablo cam emulator
*Include Betacrypt Tuneled Nagra 2 Providers
*Include ECM IV & ECM Seed keys under Irdeto2 Coding System

CS Client protocol supported:
Newcamd (TCP) tested with NewCS 1.60 & MPCS-0.9d card server
RadeGast (TCP) tested with NewCS 1.60 & MPCS-0.9d card server
Camd35 (UDP cs357x) tested with camd3 v3.865 & MPCS-0.9d card server
Camd35 (TCP cs378x) tested with camd3 v3.865 & MPCS-0.9d card server
Camd33 (TCP) tested with MPCS-0.9d card server
Default LocalHost servers loaded auto
Server type auto detected

ECM Cache:
ONLY avalaible for diablo Wireless, cause several cams cam be connected under FE at same time
Apply under emulator/cards support/cards sharing
Give possibilities to make home sharing with emulator/cards support/cards sharing
How to synchronize wireless cams
1.Insert one cam
2.Run emulator
3.Optionally connect to server or to official card
4.After first ecm decoding (cf blue datas on tab MONITOR) insert second cam
First ecm from cam 1 will be decoded by server or card progger, same ecm from cam 2 will use ecm cache

Version 1.36 (18/03/2009)
- Editor
********Caids File Edit
*Added Drag file function
*Added possibility to edit Comment line, Source list changes saved auto
********Export keys Files
*added Comment datas on caids.xml
*modified file Fausto_CAIDS.TXT
********Import Keys
*added somes coding system for filter selection selection (irdeto,betacrypt,conax)
*fixed somes problems

- Emulator
*Setup: New Tab for editing Fausto INI Files

********Emulation Irdeto -> possible to define custom caids (report to file Fausto & Season Irdeto Custom Caids.txt)
********Emulation Conax/Cryptoworks -> added Caid definition (File Season.ini [SeasonCaid])
Tested with caid 0BAA & sub card worked great under FE Card support
Tested Cryptoworks caids with Fausto Emu worked without any prob
********Emulation Conax -> added Atr definition (File Season.ini [ConaxAtr])
********Emulation Cryptoworks -> Added Providers definition (Ident+Label) on file \Fausto\EMU\Season\CryptoworksProviders.ini

*Cards support: (File \Fausto\Emu\Cards\Cards.ini)
All datas concerning cards stored on new file \Fausto\Emu\Cards\Cards.ini
********Seca, Conax added support of frequency 6.00 MHZ for better performance
********Seca -> can unlock channel protected by parental code (ex: Seca French Card, Channel Canal+ -> XXX Movie)
********Conax -> added M2 card support or similar (no freeze at all, tested under 3.57 & 6.00 MHZ)
********Conax -> Possible to define Maturity level & Pin Code for unlocking channels
********VG2 -> added card baudrate auto detection or Set Baud wanted on INI file
********Cryptoworks -> possible to define on file AtrBauds, AtrParity, AtrStopBits, DataBauds, DataParity, DataStopBits according to the different cards
********Cryptoworks -> read card subcriptions
********Irdeto -> irdeto pure mode or irdeto xin1 supported (settings on cards.ini ECMFilter datas)
********Card log file modified more infos added

*Cards Client (cs):
********Fixed bug for Radegast server auto detection
********Added Gbox client (localhost only, default ports)
********Updated default local host servers list

*DVB Plugins:
********added Fixes for SSSP/HSIC
********added Optimizations, more faster

*Language files: New datas added ready for translation

Special Thanks to:
JKF Intersat Forum for all support give to our tools.
All guys for language files & translation:
MagicTrance, superseeder, sYgNaL, mcolaciuri, Seti72, Alaancee, Jogo1967, GarField57, Claudio_LDN, S62, Professor Moriarty, Twister, s62, Stauffie, Anunaki.