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Dream Elite 4.0 001r005
Dream Elite staff is glad to announce the new upcoming Dream Elite 4R005, the image includes brand new amazing functions that will surprize you. Look at new DEsetting, this function will allow you to set your favorite settingman and forget about updates or Interactive Button which will replicate interactivity on most channel and provider. Although these functions are still in a beta phase, they are the result of the hard work of all the staff, collaborators and friends of Dream Elite Forum. We hope you will enjoy all of them !!
Very special thanks to Bobsilvio, for the tune-up on USB - DTT drivers OE 2.0
New bootlogoNew skin METRO (Thanks Spark and Mmark)New DTT panelNew DTT drivers on dm7020HDV1-V2, DM800HDSEV2, DM500HDSEV2 and soon on all models
(Thanks to Bobsilvio)New USB detection (customized USB is now recognized in all functions included channel list)New DEsetting function (autoupdate channel list, set and forget function)New Interactive button (automatically shows green button on interactive channel)New extra feed for non common packages requirementsEnhanced Interactive Mosaics plugin (now with more providers)Enhanced compressed file installation
Language fixesDream Elite Manager v. 2.64All Dream-Multimedia updates as per Git
Enigma2 specs :Kernel version 3.2.54Enigma2 version 20140219Drivers 20131228
Credits : spark, mmark, m43c0, Nbla000, Bobsilvio
Special Thanks: eidii (coder), Muca, Dreamlover, Piri, mr.strauss and all Dream Elite staff members
Thanks to Settingman Cyrus,Corvone,Vhannibal and soon to all others
Dream-Elite 4R005 Metro Bootlogo
Dream-Elite 4r005 Metro Skin Infobar
Dream-Elite 4r005 Metro Skin Infobar Extended
Dream-Elite 4r005 Metro Channel List
Dream-Elite 4R005 DTT Panel
Dream-Elite 4r005 Enhanced USB function
DEsetting : Automatic download settingman
DEsetting : Automatic download settingman setup
Dream Elite 4r005 Plugins
DreamElite 4r005 Player
Dream-Elite 4r005 Info
Durante l'installazione dell'immagine, rispondendo NO all'installazione della lista canali di default, vi apparira' Automatic Download Setting, qui potrete selezionare il vostro settingman preferito.
DEsetting provvedera' ad aggiornare la vostra lista canali in base al vostro settingman e tipo di antenna selezionati, ad ogni eventuale aggiornamento, anche con dreambox in stand-by. Se viene fatta una scansione terrestre questa sara' memorizzata senza essere cambiata da DEsetting.
E' possibile selezionare DEsetting successivamente, in menu'>impostazioni>sistema>personalizzare.
Mosaico interattivo e tasto Interattivo:
Il mosaico interattivo vi da' la possibilita' di scegliere su un canale interattivo, le finestre interattive selezionabili. La funzione e' abilitata di default.
Posizionandosi su un canale interattivo vi apparira' un cerchio verde in basso a destra, ad indicarvi che siete su un canale interattivo. Premendo il tasto verde sul telecomando si abilitano le funzioni interattive, sui maggiori provider.
USB Personalizzata:
E' possibile ora settare una memoria USB personalizzata ad esempio per memorizzare i picon 50x30 nella lista canali. Se la memoria viene cambiata da /media/usb e' obbligatorio riavviare enigma2 e dopo aver settato i percorsi in menu'>impostazioni>sistema>percorsi di sistema>percorsi picon e lista canali>menu>impostazioni visualizzazione lista canali>percorsi picon
During image install, setting NO to default channel list, you will see a new window "Automatic Download Settingman", here you can choose your preferite settingman.
DEsetting will provide to automatically update satellite channel list based on the settingman and antenna you selected,at every update available, even with you drembox in stand-by. Scanning terrestrial channels will be recorded and not changed by DEsetting.
It's possible to select DEsetting later on in menu>setup>system>custom.
Interactive Mosaic and Interactive button:
Interactive Mosaic will allow you to select interactive windows, while on an interactive channel. This function is enabled by default.
While on an interactive channel you will see a small round green icon in the right low corner, meaning you are on an interactive channel. Pressing green on remote control, interactive funcions are enabled, on the major providers.
Custom USB:
It's now possible to select custom usb to set picon 50x30 in channel list. If the memory is changed from /media/usb, it's mandatory to restart enigma2, also after setting-up paths in menu>setup>system>system paths>picon path and channel list>menu >channel list options>picon path
Please note there will be only one version from now
Downloads :
Dream Elite staff is glad to announce the new upcoming Dream Elite 4R005, the image includes brand new amazing functions that will surprize you. Look at new DEsetting, this function will allow you to set your favorite settingman and forget about updates or Interactive Button which will replicate interactivity on most channel and provider. Although these functions are still in a beta phase, they are the result of the hard work of all the staff, collaborators and friends of Dream Elite Forum. We hope you will enjoy all of them !!
Very special thanks to Bobsilvio, for the tune-up on USB - DTT drivers OE 2.0
New bootlogoNew skin METRO (Thanks Spark and Mmark)New DTT panelNew DTT drivers on dm7020HDV1-V2, DM800HDSEV2, DM500HDSEV2 and soon on all models
(Thanks to Bobsilvio)New USB detection (customized USB is now recognized in all functions included channel list)New DEsetting function (autoupdate channel list, set and forget function)New Interactive button (automatically shows green button on interactive channel)New extra feed for non common packages requirementsEnhanced Interactive Mosaics plugin (now with more providers)Enhanced compressed file installation
Language fixesDream Elite Manager v. 2.64All Dream-Multimedia updates as per Git
Enigma2 specs :Kernel version 3.2.54Enigma2 version 20140219Drivers 20131228
Credits : spark, mmark, m43c0, Nbla000, Bobsilvio
Special Thanks: eidii (coder), Muca, Dreamlover, Piri, mr.strauss and all Dream Elite staff members
Thanks to Settingman Cyrus,Corvone,Vhannibal and soon to all others
Dream-Elite 4R005 Metro Bootlogo
Dream-Elite 4r005 Metro Skin Infobar
Dream-Elite 4r005 Metro Skin Infobar Extended
Dream-Elite 4r005 Metro Channel List
Dream-Elite 4R005 DTT Panel
Dream-Elite 4r005 Enhanced USB function
DEsetting : Automatic download settingman
DEsetting : Automatic download settingman setup
Dream Elite 4r005 Plugins
DreamElite 4r005 Player
Dream-Elite 4r005 Info
Durante l'installazione dell'immagine, rispondendo NO all'installazione della lista canali di default, vi apparira' Automatic Download Setting, qui potrete selezionare il vostro settingman preferito.
DEsetting provvedera' ad aggiornare la vostra lista canali in base al vostro settingman e tipo di antenna selezionati, ad ogni eventuale aggiornamento, anche con dreambox in stand-by. Se viene fatta una scansione terrestre questa sara' memorizzata senza essere cambiata da DEsetting.
E' possibile selezionare DEsetting successivamente, in menu'>impostazioni>sistema>personalizzare.
Mosaico interattivo e tasto Interattivo:
Il mosaico interattivo vi da' la possibilita' di scegliere su un canale interattivo, le finestre interattive selezionabili. La funzione e' abilitata di default.
Posizionandosi su un canale interattivo vi apparira' un cerchio verde in basso a destra, ad indicarvi che siete su un canale interattivo. Premendo il tasto verde sul telecomando si abilitano le funzioni interattive, sui maggiori provider.
USB Personalizzata:
E' possibile ora settare una memoria USB personalizzata ad esempio per memorizzare i picon 50x30 nella lista canali. Se la memoria viene cambiata da /media/usb e' obbligatorio riavviare enigma2 e dopo aver settato i percorsi in menu'>impostazioni>sistema>percorsi di sistema>percorsi picon e lista canali>menu>impostazioni visualizzazione lista canali>percorsi picon
During image install, setting NO to default channel list, you will see a new window "Automatic Download Settingman", here you can choose your preferite settingman.
DEsetting will provide to automatically update satellite channel list based on the settingman and antenna you selected,at every update available, even with you drembox in stand-by. Scanning terrestrial channels will be recorded and not changed by DEsetting.
It's possible to select DEsetting later on in menu>setup>system>custom.
Interactive Mosaic and Interactive button:
Interactive Mosaic will allow you to select interactive windows, while on an interactive channel. This function is enabled by default.
While on an interactive channel you will see a small round green icon in the right low corner, meaning you are on an interactive channel. Pressing green on remote control, interactive funcions are enabled, on the major providers.
Custom USB:
It's now possible to select custom usb to set picon 50x30 in channel list. If the memory is changed from /media/usb, it's mandatory to restart enigma2, also after setting-up paths in menu>setup>system>system paths>picon path and channel list>menu >channel list options>picon path
Please note there will be only one version from now
Downloads :