Portal Chamar Táxi

Azbox HD (Elite/Premium) Firmware Version: 0.9.1759


GF Ouro
Membro Inactivo
Nov 8, 2006
Gostos Recebidos
Azbox HD (Elite/Premium) Firmware Version: 0.9.1759

Release Notes:
- Support some high-bitrate contents
- Bugs on playing WMV with WMAPRO
- WMV file in media player cause box hang up, and need reboot
- Size of subtitles not saved
- |<< and ****| should change song
- TXT subtitles that don¡¯t work (mpl2 and tmplayer)
- << and **** not working, it should be more intuitive, One press should
make advance just few seconds, if keep pressing button more faster
- RSS don't work at some link:
h**p://serwisy.gazeta.pl/rss/0,0.html <-- Not RSS site
- Input of password for WEP is extended to 256 digit
- Example, i make scan at One TP that don0t exist on table (let's say
Hellas Sat 10956 V) i scan it, appear message Save channels i plug
YES, than he returns back to menu of scan i make exit, and i scan
another TP, scan is OK or failed, and i go back to TV Mode to watch
channels that i scan on first, but when i p*ick they i got "NO SIGNAL"
message, like if TP infos (S/R, FEC, PID's... are lost on STB).
- User should add new frequency on EDIT menu
- SR and transponder mHZ should have only 5 input fields and not 6
- When Go to TV Channel Menu, and press some Scan option, go first to
satellite that are used at moment. Now all times goes to 4.0E channels,
so if i have dish at Hispsat Dish starting moving uneseraly

Added :
- Slovenian and French OSD
- User can capture the snapshot of TV using the "CHECK" key on REMOTE
- WPA-PSK and WPA2-PSK on Wireless LAN
- drivers(usbserial.ko & ftdi_sio.ko) for Infinity USB smart
- User defined shell which not be overwritten after upgrading firmware
- You can find the sample shell script in /DISK2/etc/start.d/
- At satellite list be possible sort by Position (0¨¬E to 260¨£E) and by Satellite name

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